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Contact form

Gracias por su mensaje. En breve nos pondremos en contacto con Usted. / Gràcies pel seu missatge. Ens posarem en contacte en breu. / Thank you for your message. We will contact you soon.

Visit us

Barcelona: 8, Tuset St., 2nd floor 2nd door - Map

Ibiza: 20, Vara de Rey Av., 1st floor-2nd door (with prior appointment) - Map

Call us

Barcelona: +34 931 190 681

Ibiza: +34 971 31 34 21

Opening hours

Mo-Thu: 9am to 2pm

              4pm to 6pm


Fri:9am to 2pm

Special hours in August

By clicking "Enviar" (Send), you accept our legal notice and our privacy policy.

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