Tax Law
The Tax Law department constitutes one of the cornerstones of the Office.
Tax implications are often decisive when opting for an alternative or another of those that arise to deal with an operation, so all areas often work closely with specialists in Tax Law.
That is why we give great importance to efficient and responsible tax planning in all operations in which we intervene.
We provide advice on all tax law specialties:
General corporate and private taxation in relation to all types of Taxes (Corporation Tax, Income Tax, Value Added Tax, Non-Resident Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Inheritance and Gift Tax, Property Transfer and Stamp Duty, Local Taxes, etc.), both to companies and individuals, whether national or international.
Tax support in business restructuring operations (due diligence, mergers & acquisitions, spin-offs, non-monetary contributions and branch of activity ...).
Tax planning adapted to the needs of each case, including real estate taxation, family business and international in certain areas.
Foreign components: we advise non-residents in relation to their tax obligations in Spain, with an exhaustive analysis of the Agreements to avoid Double Taxation and other EU regulations, as well as obligations of residents in Spain who own property and/or rights abroad.
Regional taxation of the Basque Country and Economic Concert.
Tax procedures: we design and develop the best defense strategies in both administrative (management, collection, sanctioning, inspection and economic-administrative claims) and contentious procedures before the Courts of Justice.
Tax consultations: we prepare and present consultations before the General Directorate of Taxes.